
My Etsy Shop

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saint Louis Estates

Started a series of Saint Louis homes

Amber Estate

Stopping To Rest

Photo Shoot at Forest Park

My husband is slowing turning out to be a good sport...I'm continually wanting him to be a subject.  Except for the glasses (he likes his glasses) that I couldn't get him to remove, these shots turned out great.  And, yeah, maybe even the ones with the glasses are kind of cool. 

Looking For Barns

Beki and I did a drive around some of the rural areas trying to find old barns to photograph.  We didn't have as much luck as I had hoped, but we discovered a couple along the way.  It was fun spending the day together.  We walked through an old cemetary.  I know some may say a little creepy, but I think they are intriguing and Beki thought it fascinating how old some of the tombstones were. 

Hunting Buzzard

Whisper of Spring

 ...and the creepy cemetary!

These next two photos are lake houses taken last summer.
Rising Out of the Mist

 Lake Beauty

Flying at Sunset

Mini Photo Shoot at the Gardens

John and I went for a walk out at the Botanical Gardens.  I had to talk him into a couple shots.  He's not one for getting pictures taken...go figure, he's married to a photographer.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lesson in Digital Art

I just had to share Beki's first lesson in digital composition.  She took the photo and decided what she wanted in it.  She also decided how to layer the textures and what kind of lighting to give it.  I thought it turned out beautiful and tells a story.  Maybe there is something that she will follow in my footsteps in.  Seems my kids didn't take much after me in the "wanting to create side" of things.  There's still hope! 

I hope she doesn't mind, but I thought a good name might be..

After the Harvest

Sure beats "Birds and Tree", doesn't it Beki?  Haha!